Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Death of a Salesman Tragic Hero

Willy as Tragic Hero in Death Of A Salesman Willy Loman is indeed a pathetic and tragic mavin of Death of a Salesman. His problems stem from his own delusions, the American hallucination turning sour, and misunderstanding his trouble and family. All of this tells the story of everyday populate in American society. His environs is changing faster than his beliefs which is why he is in the dilemma that he is in now. His own delusions are a result of his shopure to watch over in life. He still conceptualises he is popular, respected and good facial expression. tho at age 63, he is none of these. Nobody liked him that much since very few people came to his funeral.His delusion was that there would be people across the country coming to the funeral. However, in those moments that he begins to realize the truth, his married woman Linda while understanding his situation, supports his delusion. She say to him that youre the best looking man in the world. But the truth is that being popular and good looking is not how you would succeed in the world now. It would be through impenetrable work and perseverance. The American Dream has long turned sour for him. At the beginning of his life, he remembers traveling in a wagon passing play westward. His parents conquered the new frontier and succeeded.His brother Ben went into the jungle at 17 and came show up rich at age 21. For a while, the American Dream was alive in Willy too. He helped stake come out of the closet new district by selling his goods, his parole Biff was going to go to university with a scholarship and he had a home with no apartments closing on him. But now, he was forced to work on commission at an old age and was fired subsequent by his godson. His favored son Biff had wandered roughly the country doing odd jobs for many years, his friends son Charlie was happy and his home was now surrounded by apartment buildings which blocked out the sunlight.He was not a success in selling , he faile d to sack his sons and his beliefs were just delusions. Only through hard work and perseverance would he achieve his goal of success just he decided to go along the lazy route and failed. Willy Loman misunderstood his family and job with profound reprucssions. He totally misunderstood his occupation by trying to sell himself than the products. He could not hope to succeed because there was virtually nothing to get on with on him. People could buy into him because there was nothing to sell in the first place. Because of t his, he eventually lost his job.His family was something he every bit misunderstood. His wife and two children did not let him know that they knew the truth about him. They would tell him t hat his beliefs were wrong and that they knew he was trying to sweep away himself. They did n ot always support him. As Biff was leaving the restaurant, he told Happy to take care of his father. Happy rejected him and he told the 2 girls he had picked up that Willy was not hi s father but was just a guy. Willy left the restaurant very humiliated. His son Biff no longer had the same ideals as Willy or respected him much afterwards his affair with Miss Francis.He had instilled the idea along with Linda that they had the ability to save him but they didnt. He later dies to escape the repercussions of the problems he has caused himself. The pathetic and tragic hero of Death of Salesman is Willy Loman. He had a bright future but later got lost along the way. This is the story of the Low Man. Many believe in ideals like Willys, many have had the American Dream fail and many did not see that their family lost their way because of them. It is a catastrophe that a man with so much potential lost everything by believing in the wrong things and never realizes his situation.

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