Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Analysis: Life of Pi

By examining the novel Life of Pi, the three part novel by Yann Martel, one can observe the psyche of a man who has gone through a horrendous tragedy that has affected his life dramatically.   Martel chose the differing setting of India, Canada, the Pacific Ocean, and briefly in Mexico during the nineteen seventies.   From the conflicting cultures of the setting, the protagonist, Pi must deal with many adversities, yet he has survived all of them.   The novel is narrated in first person with Pi taking on the role of narrator. This gives an insight into the working of Pi’s mind.   A privileged glimpse of how an individual responds to the task of survival makes one wonder how he/she would respond in a similar situation.   It also shows what an individual will do to deal with the events that are just too horrible to accept. The plot is told in flashback and as a framed story.   The exposition is established early in the novel.   We learn that Pi is a man from India who now resides in Canada.   It is obvious that there has been some tragedy in his life, but it is not revealed until later.   Pi is married with a son and daughter.   The author discovers that he has a passion for cooking with lots of spices. This could be a way for him to connect with his past in India.   He uses so many layers of spices that it is just too intense for the author.   His overly spicy food is symbolic of his past.   Pi has tolerated his circumstances, but it is just too tragic for others to be able to identify.   As part one unfolds, Pi relates the history of his childhood in India.   His father had run the Pondicherry Zoo, and that is where he learns about the nature of animals as well as how human nature can parallel animals.   Pi is convinced that the animals are better off in the zoo that in the wild because some one must take care of them.   He also learns the way a human can achieve dominance over them. The conflict of the novel is established in the trip to his new home and the completely different culture he will encounter.   Pi’s family is killed in a shipwreck and he is the lone survivor.   He must now fight the forces of nature to stay alive.   Then he must learn how to deal the events that he has endured.   Another conflict in the story deals with religion. Pi was born into a Hindu family and throughout the novel he states that he considers himself primarily a Hindu.   Along the way, he discovered Christianity and a priest convinced him that he needed to become a Christian and Pi agrees.   His parents attend his baptism even though they do not accept the religion.   Finally Pi meets a Muslim and is persuaded to convert to Islam.   Again he embraces another religion.   Pi decides that he can be all of the religions. The rising action of the novel quickly becomes evident when Pi begins to relate his voyage to Canada.   His father decides that the family must move because of political unrest in their homeland.   Most of the animals are sold and the ones that couldn’t be sold are taken of the boat with the family.   After an accident, the boat sinks.   Pi, however, is the only one from his family to survive the shipwreck.   He and a zebra escape on a lifeboat, but the zebra is injured in the fall. Shortly after the life boat falls into the water, Pi spots his father’s tiger, Richard Parker.   The human name of the tiger is symbolic of the animalistic instinct of man.   The three survivors are soon joined by a hyena and an Orangutan.   At first all of the animals coexist with each other.   It is not long before the hyena chews the leg of zebra for a meal.   He then basically eats the animal alive.   The symbolism of the savagery of survival is evident in this incident. The hyena soon turns on the Orangutan and kills her as she is looking for her two sons.   Pi is amazed how human like she behaves.   Pi and Richard Parker become weary and dehydrated.   Pi learns how to fish and make drinking water out of sea water.   He uses his basic instincts for his survival.   The tiger finally kills the hyena, and even though Pi is glad that the hyena is gone, he becomes fearful of the tiger.   He realizes that he must gain dominance of the animal. He resorts back to the knowledge he gained at his father’s zoo.   Pi and Richard Parker are joined by another man and while Pi is suffering temporary blindness due to dehydration.   After battling hunger, lack of water, and the elements of nature, Pi’s lifeboat comes ashore in Mexico.   Richard Parker escapes into a wooded area and Pi is taken to the hospital. Two Japanese officials come to the hospital to interview Pi to gain information about the sinking of their ship.   He recounts the whole story of the sinking and his survival on the lifeboat.   After they listen to the story they leave to discuss the information they have just received.   They return after a short while and inform Pi that they do not believe his story. He then relates the story of his survival only substitutes humans for the animals.   They are horrified and he then asked them which story they prefer.   The men admit that the one with the animals was easier to accept.   It is then that the climax becomes evident.   The whole story of the animals was made up by Pi so that he could deal with the events that had happened to him.   The zebra had been a sailor, the hyena was an insane cook, and the orangutan was Pi’s mother.   Richard Parker is symbolic of   Pi’s animal instincts.   He finally gains dominance over them and it is his animal instincts that can alone help him survive. The falling action comes about when the two Japanese officials write their report.   They realize that Pi has no knowledge that can actually help them understand the wreck of their vessel.   They resolve that Pi’s survival with a ferocious tiger was unique story.   They, along with Pi, did what they had to do in their mind to be able to accept what had actually happened. Pi is a character that embodies the whole idea of survival.   All people go through adversity, and all have to learn to survive.   Many times it is painful.   An individual must come to grips in his/her own mind with what they must accept to continue on with daily life.   Martel takes this into consideration when writing this story.   Not only does he engage the reader by using suspense and the element of surprise, but he teaches mankind that we do what we have to do to cope. He also makes the point that even though humans have come so far with their scientific knowledge and technology yet they still have animalistic instincts when it comes to survival.   He could have set the story in the distant past, but instead he set it in the recent past.   There was an immense amount of technological and scientific knowledge in the nineteen seventies.   If our society were to lose our modern conveniences in a natural disaster, people would still revert to their instincts for continued existence. Works Cited Martel, Yann.   Life of Pi.   Canada: Random House of Canada, 2001.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Importance of Literature to Humanity

â€Å"Literature speaks the language of the imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination† (Frye 134). According to Northrop Frye the imagination is the combination between emotions and intellect in every individual. The more an individual is exposed to literature the better that person is at expanding their imagination, which he calls the educated imagination. Having an educated imagination helps one to think for themselves and create their own ideas and opinions. The educated imagination is a necessity of life in a political world, the study of literature is not an â€Å"elegant accomplishment† but a means of entry into a â€Å"free society† (Frye 147). With an educated imagination one is able to distinguish between moral and aesthetic truth, this is extremely important when it comes to politics. Politicians or simply people in a higher authority often use rhetoric language to manipulate and brainwash people with lies . In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows the negative effects rhetoric language can have on those with an uneducated imagination and that without literature society produces a world filled with ignorance. The absence of books in Fahrenheit 451 creates darkness within the society. In literature darkness is a symbol of ignorance, evil, falsehood, oblivion, despair and the unknown. Light on the other hand represents goodness, life, knowledge, fame and hope. During the entire novel the author constantly relates to darkness and night, â€Å"In the late afternoon it rained and the entire world was dark and grey† (Bradbury19). Books represent light; it provides people with knowledge, exposes truths and educates the mind. In this society books are illegal and the job of a fireman is to burn any house that contains books in it. Due to the burning of these books there is a lack of light in this society, just utter darkness. Because of the ignorance within the civilization the politicians are able to manipulate and convince the population that books and everything else that causes one to think is evil. This way they are able to easily influence and lead the population. Those that have been exposed to books realize that they are living in darkness and that their only way to get out of the darkness is through books, †Maybe these books can get us half out the cave† (Bradbury 74). All the darkness within the society has blinded the people into being unaware as to what is going on around them. The population is unconsciously being brainwashed and forced to conform without even knowing it. â€Å"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal† (Bradbury 58). Watching television became the major replacement for literature. This is because watching television does not require one to think but influences their thoughts which later influences their actions. The subconscious believes television is real. Watching television physically damages the brain and reduces intelligence. It also switches brain activity from the left side of the brain which is responsible for logic and critical analysis to the right side of the brain that is responsible for emotional responses. This allows each viewer to be heavily influenced and brainwashed by what they see and hear on TV. By restricting the population from literature and replacing it with televisions, they are decreasing the intelligence within the population making it easier to have full control over the society. Without the education one receives from books these people are simply sheep in a herd following their Sheppard. â€Å"The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that cannot read them† Mark Twain. The society is afraid of being inferior to those who read and understand. All books have meaning. Reading gives people time to think and reflect on not only the text, but their lives as well, â€Å"So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life† (83), books reveal the truth about the world. By burning books the firemen are destroying knowledge and promoting ignorance. This is the reason for all the ignorance and darkness within the society. Due to the lack of literature the people have an uneducated imagination and are therefore unable to see past the governments’ use of rhetoric. the first thing our imaginations have to do for us, as soon as we can handle words well enough to read and write and talk, is to fight to protect us from falling into the illusions that society threatens us with† (Frye 60). Those who are caught reading books are exterminated or taken away to reduce the chances of them spreading their wisdom to others. Those that read are smarter and are seen as a threat to society. These individuals are able to see past society’s use of rhetoric, â€Å"We can see here how the ordinary use of hetoric, which attempts to make society presentable, is becoming hypocritical and disguising the reality it presents beyond the level of social safety† (Frye 61). The rhetoric use of language in this society is to persuade the population into believing that being intellectual is a sin, and books are the cause of this sin, â€Å"So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach mans mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well read man? Me? † (Bradbury 58). Those that did read were able to oppose the use of eloquence. Clarisse was considered abnormal and a threat because she thought about things and often asked why, â€Å"She didn’t want to know how a thing was done, but why. That can be embarrassing. You ask why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl’s better off dead† (Bradbury 60). Once again rhetoric language is used to justify the death of Clarisse and criticize the use of imagination. The main character Montag is a fireman who also reads books and is smart enough to see the flaws in his society. For this he is considered a burden and wanted by police. Those that read are able to see that there is more to life than pleasure and titillation. â€Å"Forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light† -Plato. The people in this novel are afraid of the light. They are afraid of literature and the truth, knowledge, and all goodness that comes with it. Due to the lack of literature in this society, the population is ignorant and unable to think individually. Because of the ignorance within the population the government has full control over their lives. Each individual deserves the right to live imaginative and free lives. â€Å"The fundamental job of the imagination in ordinary life, then, is to produce, out of the society we have to live in, a vision of the society we want to live in† (Frye 60). Without literature the imagination becomes limited and people are unable to vision the society they want to live in. As the world becomes more modern and grows further, away from literature, society beings to look more like Fahrenheit 451 where citizens are nothing but a sheep in a herd.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cultural and Ethical Dilemmas Within the Colourful Corporation Essay

The aim of this business report is to analyse the ethical dilemmas arising from daily business operations, and to determine whether Colourful Corporation was ethical in its decision making, and to provide solutions for the management of future ethical issues. Having an established international base, Colourful Corporation conducts business transactions in both developing and developed countries. In doing so, Colourful Corporation is exposed to a wide range of ethical dilemmas which are the result of differing cultural values and norms. Segon (2011) proposes variable determinants of culture including religion, political and economic philosophy, education, language and social structure. Different cultural values and norms account for opposing perspectives regarding what constitutes ethical behaviour. The complexities in this ever-evolving business environment have brought attention towards corporate business ethics as research has found that business ethics is closely linked to an organisation’s well-being (Svensson & Wood 2011, p.21). This has highlighted the importance of ethics education for employees of the company as education will lead to the development of ethical practices among individuals in the company as well as the corporation as a whole. Furthermore, according to Hill (2011), pressure from senior management to meet unrealistic performance goals can be an incentive for employees to engage in unethical practices. It is concluded that: business operations continue to be conducted in both developed and undeveloped countries, where ethical issues may arise as a result of differing culture views, consideration must be given; the Corporation must act ethically when dealing in its global business operations; the risk of undertaking unethical activities as a result of unrealistic performance expectations increases; a program should be adopted to support local communities where it is conducting business operations in order to fulfil its ethical and moral responsibility in line with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); a need to provide education and training to its employees on corporate business ethics in order to promote a strong corporate ethical culture; and the senior executive made the correct decision, by following corporate policy. It is the corporate policy that must be adjusted to include ethical considerations, assisting future business decision making processes. Subsequently, this may potentially prevent sim ilar tragedies occurring as a result of Colourful Corporation’s actions. * It is recommended that Colourful Corporation: adopt the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework ,which is the most widely used reporting framework for performance on human rights, labour, environmental, anti-corruption, and other corporate citizenship issues; encourage the needs of ethical behaviour within and by the corporation to the employees; contribute to charity in the form of providing facilities such as, schools and orphanages for the poor and unfortunate children in the developing country ; update the corporate policy to include ethical considerations required for each business making decision; create an ethical culture within the corporation by embracing the commitment to ethical standards; and engage with a reputable company to provide holistic business ethics training program for all levels of employees to increase ethical sensitivity and develop healthy organisational culture. Introduction The Colourful Corporation has established a foreign entity within business operations, one which consists of a foreign subsidiary within a developed nation. Cognisant of good operational management, regular trips are carried out by executives to inspect and ensure that correct protocol and company policies are being adhered to. A few years ago, an executive of the Corporation was visiting and noticed that a subsidiary had employed a 12 year old girl. This was is in strict opposition to the Corporation’s own ethical code, and the 12 year old was replaced. Tragically, the 12 year old and her younger brother both died in their desperation to find food and survive. This tragic story found its way to the CEO of the Colourful Corporation, instigating the development of this business report. This report will evaluate whether the correct initial action was taken, and if a similar action would have been taken should the final story be known to the Corporation. There have b een no limitations presented within this report. Aim of report The aim of this business report is to analyse the ethical dilemmas arising from daily business operations, and to determine whether Colourful Corporation was ethical in its decision making, whilst providing solutions for the future management of ethical issues. Issues Cultural Value and Norms According to Segon (2011), values and norms are core determinants of culture. These norms and value systems are affected by many variables, including religion, political philosophy, economic philosophy, education, language and social structure (Figure 1). Different variables can account for the perspectives and views across diverse cultural communities. Ethical issues and dilemmas may arise from business decisions depending on what the value and norms the organization is operating in, and accustomed to. Whilst different perspectives arise from varying cultural systems and bring diversity in the economic environment, the occurrence of ethical issues arising from business operations must be considered. As proposed by Park & Voigt (2008), it is suggested that ‘values and norms have both a ‘direct and indirect impact on economic development.’ While a certain culture may impose certain working standards and conditions upon its workers in conducting its business operations, it’s important to consider the potential ethical issues surrounding these decisions. It’s vital the Corporation maintains ethical business practices in line with Australian standards. The visiting executive has acted in accordance with appropriate due care by their avoidance to use child labour in the procurement of producing goods and services. Ethics The ethics dilemma presented, personal and business, must be afforded due consideration. ‘Business ethics are not divorced from personal ethics, which are generally accepted principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of individuals’ (Hill, 2011, pp.141). Hill (2011, pp.142) states that ‘several studies of unethical behaviour in a business setting have concluded that businesspeople sometimes do not realise they are behaving unethically, primarily because they simply fail to ask, â€Å"Is this decision or action ethical?†(Messick & Bazerman,1996)’. A process must be developed within the Colourful Corporation’s corporate policies, ensuring that each business decision considers the ethical impact that the decision may have on the community and its people. Figure 2 (Hill, 2011, pp.141) provides a number of generalisations, highlighting the complexity of ethical dilemmas, and that no one answer can truly be considered correct. However, consid eration of each component will help to improve ethical behaviour. As stated within the Californian Management Review (1999), there is differing advice from many academic sources. However, an important fundamental of ethics worth considering comes from the ’10 Guidelines for national corporations’ postulated by DeGeorge (1993), with the 2nd guideline stipulating that ‘every company must â€Å"produce more good than harm for the host country†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (DeGeorge, 1993). Unrealistic Performance Expectations The pressure from senior executives of the parent company to meet unrealistic performance goals that can only be attained by acting in an unethical manner (Hill et al 2011) is a factor that will result in unethical behaviour. There is a high probability that the local manager will make a decision that could potentially violate their own personal ethics and engage in unethical behaviour. The Colourful Corporation’s senior executive demanded that the local manager to replace the under-aged girl with an adult. The local manager followed the direction dutifully, replacing the under-aged girl, even though it may have violated his own personal ethics. Such unethical behaviour of the senior manager may affect the culture of the corporation as they set an example that other employees follow. Colourful Corporation can motivate and improve ethical behaviour by reinforcing a corporate policy that includes ethical considerations. Hill (2011) referred to how Hewlett-Packard (HP) reinforced ethical values of their employees through what they call the ‘HP Way’. The ‘HP Way’ stresses the need for confidence in and respect for people, open communication and concern for individual employees. Education In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift towards corporate business ethics. Consequently, ethics education in corporations is of significance because the lack of anticipation and preparations in practical terms as well as philosophically by corporations may result in the company becoming vulnerable to public scrutiny (Morris & Wood 2011, p.275). This is because research has found that ethical issues have asymmetric relationships across an organisation, suggesting a need to define appropriate corporate policy, and measures with emphasis on the ethical perspective of the company’s business operations (Svensson & Wood 2011, p.21). In line with this, employees of the company should therefore be provided information on the company’s corporate policies in order to align individual business ethics with the corporation business ethic. The following may be achieved by engaging with a reputable company-endorsed should be engaged to provide holistic ethical training program for all levels of employees within the corporation (Morris & Wood 2011, p.275). The author further emphasise that ethics training is able to inculcate ethical practices and behaviour within employees of the company by introducing critical awareness for moral dilemmas. The increase sensitivity among employees has developed a platform for a healthy ethical culture in the company. Hence, it is likely that the company can better manage stakeholders’ interest, as well as incorporating the idea of socially responsible behaviour in the company’s strategic actions (Sisaye 2011, p.277). Moral Obligations Moral obligations, also known as corporate social responsibilities, refer to ‘a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis’ (EU Commission 2002, p.5). The economic and political transformations affecting the lives of young people are varied and complex. Researchers have also argued that the issue of child labour is contentious not only because many children work illegally, but also because their work concurrently involves interdependent realities of survival, participation, abuse and exploitation (Abebe & Bessell, 2011). Furthermore, Brekke and Nyborg (2005) stated that corporations with low social responsibility profile could be driven out of business. Therefore, it is important for corporation to consider moral obligations as a part of corporate policy.

How xanga influences communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

How xanga influences communication - Essay Example However, as in all forms of social activities, communication should be based on specific criteria trying to avoid the development of relationships that may hide a risk for people participated. Xanga is considered as one of the most important ‘online communities’ around the world. Its importance is based on the fact that its site is accessed by an extremely high number of visitors on a daily basis. Taking into account the aspects of communication as presented above, we could come to the result that Xanga leads to the development of specific communication schemes and in this way it influences communication in accordance with the preferences of the public but also personal attitudes as they are presented and analyzed through the community’s site. Communication is an issue that has been extensively examined in the literature especially the last years when human relationships face significant difficulties. In this context, the parameters of a ‘proactive’ communication have been analyzed in order to identify the main aspects of interaction between human behaviour and communication. One of the most important results of this effort has been the conclusion that effective communication cannot be achieved without the active involvement of all participants while personal attitudes have been found to have a catalytic role. Towards this direction Butterfield et al. (1997) examined a particular aspect of communication named ‘Communication Apprehension’ and its influence on a specific part of life, the healthy diet. The above study can be used as an indicative example of the importance of communication on all human activities regardless their social or political character. Indeed, Butterfield et al. (1997, 244) noticed that ‘Communication Apprehension does not influence health behaviours which do not require communication (with the possible exception of diet)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Philosophy The concept of the person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy The concept of the person - Essay Example St Thomas connects the concepts of legal rights, "complete individual intellectual nature" (Clarke, 26-7) and adds the importance of 'acts of existence', to create an ideal of the person as self-possessing. It is important to note that the Christian concept of the person, as described by St Thomas, includes that of 'rights': the idea of personhood as dependant upon legal rights. Later concepts of the human involved the ideas of St Thomas to some degree: suggestions of Locke include consciousness "Whereby it becomes concerned and accountable"; that is, awareness of self which stirs a sense of responsibility. Rawls's idea of personhood is made problematic by the issue of insanity: "When we declare a man insane we cease treating him as accountablebut still our interactions with him are virtually indistinguishable from normal personal interactions unless he is very far gone in madness" (Dennett). Rawls brings up a complex subject, which goes to the very heart of the philosophy of personhood: the insane, their ability to be people, and how this affects their rights.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Bryan Adams Concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bryan Adams Concert - Essay Example Bryan Adams is a Canadian rock star, guitarist, and songwriter born in 1959. He has recorded many albums that include 18 until I die, summer of ‘69, Cuts like a Knife, Run to You, and Reckless among others. His contribution to music has seen him win many awards, Grammy awards nominations, and selling millions of albums across the world. Indeed, Bryan Adams is one of the all-time best selling artists in the world. As such, I was eager to attend one of his concerts since they attract great reception as his performance commands international recognition. Most assuredly, I was envious to see him play the guitar and use the  six elements of music, which include melody, tonality, rhythm, form, texture, and harmony. Indeed, I was part of the audience that graced the Bryan Adams concert at the Sydney Entertainment Centre in Australia on 19 April 2013. The Sydney Entertainment Centre concert started at about 8: 00 pm and lasted for about 100 minutes. Thousands of middle-aged women and men attended the concert and enjoyed the best performance of Bryan Adams as he performed a set of his classic songs. Bryan Adams played the guitar in a rhythmic and melodious manner to the excitement of the audience. Also accompanying him in the concert was Gary Breit, who was playing the piano thus adding some harmony, Keith Scott who was playing the guitar as the lead guitarist thus adding some rhythm and melody, Mickey Curry who added some rhythm by playing the drums, and Norm Fisher who was playing the bass. These performers established a melodious combination that thrilled the audience at the Sydney Entertainment Centre with beautiful melodies. Indeed, also present was the Scottish singer Amy Macdonald, who played an amazing role of calming the excited audience. Bryan Adams performed 26 songs during the concert. Among the songs he performed was the ‘House Arrest,’ which the crowd sung along word by word. Other songs included the ‘Here I Am,’ 18 until I die which is rock music, all for Love, here I am, heaven, Run to you, and ‘Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman,’ and Straight from the heart, which is also rock music among others. Indeed, all the songs Bryan Adams and his team performed were rock music. However, the most synonymous thing about the Sydney Entertainment Centre concert was how Bryan Adams played the guitar and how it functioned. The guitar played an accompaniment role where it set the rhythm and melody of the songs played. Moreover, the guitar reinforced the tonality of his amazing voice. The guitar also signaled the beginning and the end of the different songs that the band played. More so, the guitar proved his great musicianship and guitar work while he was playing the iconic songs. Indeed, Bryan Adams entertained the audience by playing the guitar and establishing an engagement with the fans. Notably, three classic songs graced the Sydney Entertainment Centre concert, which include the summer of â₠¬Ëœ69, House Arrest, and Run to You. Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance wrote the song, â€Å"Run to you† and released it in 1984. This is a rock song in the album, Reckless. It remains one of Bryan Adams most popular songs and his fans equally know it word by word. Indeed, the song has won many accolades including topping the Billboard American rock tracks and the Billboard top 100 songs. On the other hand, Mutt Lange and Bryan Adams produced

Friday, July 26, 2019

HUMAN RIGHTS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HUMAN RIGHTS - Assignment Example These violations show up in one form or other ranging from domestic violence to religious extremism, ethnocentric outlook of the societies, exploitation of the weak, human trafficking, poverty, all these make up for human rights violation. The mandate on human rights came to forth in 2000 when the general secretary proposed a mandate classification for human rights protection. The nongovernmental organizations as well as the intergovernmental organizations in different countries strive for ensuring implementation of human rights on all levels. Other sources constitute the Security Council resolutions and actions relevant to protection of human rights. Where ever there is any oppression of human rights, the U.N. and its security council ensures that this is being stopped on immediate basis. For example, in cases of wars between states and in international affairs the United Nations ensures that human rights are not being violated. Emergency meetings and veto are being passed in this r egard to protect the human life, honor and property from any unjust measures and means. General Assembly of the Security Council looks up to the human welfare and human rights aspect of the international affairs. ... With no access to the basic commodities of life, human rights violations are a perfect example in display and action there. Various bodies are in place for the cause of protection of human rights, and ensuring that no highhandedness goes unnoticed and is being brought to the justice. These sources come in form of Human Rights acts and strong penalties against the violations. United Nations Human Rights Council and United Nations Human Rights commission are few of the entities and sources in place that provide firm grounding to the United Nations cause of protection of human rights. Each of these faculties has one thing in common and that is to help the downtrodden, underdeveloped, suppressed and underprivileged with equal consideration of elimination of injustice and lack of opportunity. With prime focus on human rights, United Nations has taken concrete steps towards the development and insurance of human rights all over the world. This comes in form of development of mandates and s ources establishment for the purpose of human rights protection. The main agencies in this regard are: Declaration of Rights of Disabled: International Bill of Human rights is another move towards the insurance of human rights at different levels. Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund Universal Declaration of Human rights(Sweet, 2003), UNICEF: United Nations International Children Education Fund. UNHCR: United Nations High Commission for Refugees International law legislation and treaties and accords in this regard are few of the steps and functions that make up for the mandate system of the United Nations. United Nations role: United Nations has played a significant role in the domain of human rights and for this purpose it has established specialized entities which look after

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Proposal Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project Proposal Paper - Coursework Example Skyscrapers and major highways have been completed using the leading mechanism applied in the planning of the procedures from the draft structure to the completed piece that is erected on the ground. The procedures and processes applied within the steps leading to the final steps into the construction of the mechanism to present an image that creates a strong societal mechanism. The need to present a stable structure is necessary to accord a structure to be used in variable generations to reduce on the costs incurred in maintenance of the structural feature. The completed structure would be dependent on the features applied within the construction of the completed work. The other mandatory feature would be the provision included by the supervisor of the project and the contribution that they implement in the completion of the structure. Sustainability plays a chief role in selling the idea of preserving resources and presenting a lasting strategy that would present the motive to pres ent preservation of the available features. The input provided within the completion of a project to extend sustainability would be identified through predicting the mechanism applied within the strategy that present a completed piece. ... Homes, offices, roads and recreational structures are erected based on the output presented in the construction industry. The means also presents the platform to employment of highly qualified individuals in engineers and other workers that may be trained to handle the equipment. Sustainability presents the means that would ensure products are produced to last longer and preserve the environmental features to reduce the costs and human lifestyle that may be presented within the future living (Environment Agency 2012, p1). Sustainability is used to present the effects noticed to the environment and the materials applied within the construction process to deliver the strategy needed in completing a stable and unique structure. Sustainability would be presented as a positive feature to the users of the completed structure and an increased incentive to the owners of the property to be completed. With the right procedures applied to present the feature, relationships may be strengthened w ith the stakeholders and present the feature to be included to deliver economic profitability. Sustainable development introduces the measure used to deliver corporate responsibility towards the environment and the mechanism that would be applied to justify the mechanism applied in the project layout. Sustainable development is presented to deliver the satisfaction that would be projected to the future generations that are catered for in the current project. Sustainability in the construction is offered value in the technique and mechanism applied to deliver the means witnessed to present the stable structure to be utilized within the future society. The example is witnessed in known structures that have marked the pillars of towns and famous cities universally. From the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SWOT Analysis - NYLB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

SWOT Analysis - NYLB - Research Paper Example This function started since 1909 after the New York legislation passed a law which stated that the receiver would have separate responsibility and was appointed by the State Supreme Court of New York (New York Liquidation Bureau, â€Å"Home†). Mr.Bing, chief executive officer of the NYLB authored 85 bills that passed the Assembly and around 35 of the bills passed the senate and were signed into law. Among these law included the 2006 law passed by Mr.Bling which stated about the limitation of workers, recovery and clean up workers, compensation claims made by the 9/11 rescues; other law stated were the 2010 no fault divorce law, adoption of the UPMIFA statute in 2010, the law of criminal and civil penalties in the year 2008. Apart from the law stated above the chief executive also authored laws for the insurance and real estate sector so that these industries could taste success even during hard economic times. NYLB performs administrative and operational support to NYLB through economical and timely procurement of goods and services. The claims division looks after the disposition of claims which meets the criteria under the New York Security Fund, enabling NYLB to close its proceeding of estates with the allocated time. The creditor and ancillary division looks after the insolvent users and helps the Superintendent performs his responsibilities. The assets of NYLB are looked after by the finance division and the Human Resource department protects the estates by minimizing the risk (New York Liquidation Bureau-a, â€Å"About us†). The bureau does not own any assets, rather it holds and manages the assets of the security funds and estates and acts as a fiduciary for the benefits of the creditors and policyholders of the Estates. The Bureau’s total receipts for the year 2010 stood at $ 195,486,151 as compared to 2009 of $ 100,186,041 and net receipts was much higher as compared to previous year and was calculated to be $15,588,520. Cash comprised only the money which are deposited in the CDA and for longer term investment opportunities the cash is placed in the Money Market Deposit Account so that a more attractive yield is achieved. The bureau monitors the cash balance based which are in excess of insured limits and based on the information, such balances does not represents material credit risk for the New York Liquidation Bureau. Thus cash at the beginning of the year 2010 accounted to $15,022,557 and for 2009 cash was $7407191 and cash at the end of the year accounted for a total amount of $30, 611,077 in 2010 and $ 15,022,557 at the year 2009 (NYLB-c, p.3-4). Literature review The New York Liquidation Bureau performs the responsibility as a Receiver for the Superintendent of Insurance and the Bureau acts on the behalf of the superintendent in order to carry out the duties to safeguard the interest of the creditors and policyholders of the insolvent a nd impaired insurance companies. The Bureau takes care of the insolvent insurance companies in order to maximize the assets and resolve the liabilities, return back the rehabilitated insurance companies to market place so as to distribute the proceeds of the company to the creditors within the given period of time. NYLB has been performing the function of the Receiver since 1909. When the insurance company is

Retail Marketing- Group report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Retail Marketing- Group report - Assignment Example Usually, this kind of buyer/seller relationship is always suitable for purchases which low value. The customer may be more interested in bargain prices as opposed to quality. This is ideal for market conditions that are dynamic and the customer has many options. Value-auditing relationships are those where the customer’s needs are identified. In this kind of relationship, the seller attempts to come up with aspects of his product that are deemed most valuable to the buyer. After figuring out what these are, the seller will try to focus on giving as much as possible of this in order to make sure that the buyer has the most value from the payment he makes. The Value adding relationship is the intermediate between a transactional and a collaborative relationship. Although though there is minimal collaboration between the buyer and the seller, there is some amount of extra care taken by both sides to ensure a better product delivery. Deluxe uses this kind of relationship with some of its customers. This is especially done with the smaller business customers who are just looking for easy marketing solutions with Deluxe. Instead of having a collaborative relationship with the customers, what deluxe des is to provide a powerful web portal that tries to provide a way to make sure that the needs of the customer is met. Every member who visits their website is kindly asked to fill out a simple questionnaire to give feedback about their experience in using the website. This makes it easy for deluxe to know where to improve, but does not eventually lead to a collaborative relationship. Collaborative relationship is a situation where the customer and the buyer end up having a relationship that goes beyond just the transaction of goods (Strauss & Frost, 2001). Apart from exchanging money and goods or services, the parties to transaction in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Management and financial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management and financial accounting - Essay Example The real estate business has experienced a sharp down trend in the recent times. As such, people are on the job of improving their own homes rather than buying or selling of houses. Lofty Heights which is a firm into improving of homes, as such, is expanding vastly taking the advantage of this downturn. Its headquarters are in South Wales but, it is growing nationally with Jeff (owner) as the sales and marketing personnel and Evans (employee) as the financial manager. The company is expanding further to form newer departments in the organizational structure like HR, Customer Service etc. It follows absorption costing for ascertaining its unit costs and is a sole proprietorship business entity as on date. Task – F2 – Management Accounting: Solution – a: Amount of profit budgeted to be made for each of the loft conversions: Particulars 23 31 36 Sales 28,500 39,500 55,500 Less: Direct Costs 7,800 14,500 18,500 Gross Profit 20,700 25,000 37,000 Less: Allocated Fixed O/h's 12,000 12,000 12,000 Net Profit budgeted 8,700 13,000 25,000 Solution – b: Allocated fixed o/h's HR Finance CS Building Planning 2,000 3,000 3,000 20,000 8,000 The fixed overheads are being allocated to the three loft conversion units according to their labor hour utility. But, this type of costing is more suitable only when:†¢There is only one conversion†¢Production is calculated on the basis of normal capacity and †¢There is no inventory.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people Essay Example for Free

Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people Essay Children’s Social Care Help children who are in need and also if a concern is raised about a child they will decide on the course of action to take. For example carry out and assessment and find out what the child’s needs are and gather all the relevant information that is needed. Police They work with children’s social care to protect children from harm. They have roles and responsibilities which include making a decision on whether a crime has been committed and if it has they will start an investigation and gather evidence from the Children’s social care. Health Professional They will examine children whose injuries they think are non-accidental. If abuse is suspected the health professional will then alert the children’s social care. NSPCC They are the only third sector organisation who can take action when children are at risk of abuse and they also provide support to children and families and a helpline for people to call if they are worried about a child and they also raise awareness of abuse through advertising. Wigan Local Safeguarding Children’s Board These have particular roles and responsibilities to oversee the work of other

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Industrial building and copper material

Industrial building and copper material 1.Introduction â€Å"I grow more intense as I age.† (Florida Scott-Maxwell) Copper is one of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing and cladding options available for domestic to bigger commercial and industrial buildings. The copper forms a protective barrier around it as soon as it reacts to the atmosphere. This allows the material to improve and to stand against the test of time. 2. Aim The aim of this report is to introduce the reader to copper as a roofing material in the building industry. Standing seam copper roofing and cladding to multi-storey buildings will be the focus of this report. 3. Why copper? Copper is used in the building industry because of its durability and the ease of instalment and workability. A properly installed copper roof will outlast other types of roofing systems. Copper is 100%recyclableand does not lose any quality whether in a raw state or after it was used as a manufactured product. According to the Copper Development Association (CDA. 2010), copper is one of the most recycled metals, roughly 80% of the copper ever mined is still used in some form today. 4. History of copper roofs Copper has been a very important material to man since ancient times. So much so that one of the main stages of mankinds history is named after a copper alloy, bronze-age. Copper and its many alloys have had a vital role in many civilizations. In the Roman period it was mined in Cyprus, this resulted to the metal being named Cyprium, this name was later shortened to Cuprum and ultimately we know it in English as copper. Today, most copper is mined from open cast mines around the world. The copper is extracted from smelting large amounts of copper ore, before being refined to the copper we use and know. In the early 18th century about 90% of the worlds copper was smelted in South Wales (COPPER Africa. 2010). Copper has been used as a waterproof roofing material since ancient times. It can be seen on roofs and domes on todays buildings. It is recognizable by its greenish colour. This colouring is because of the atmosphere reacting with the copper to form a protective barrier against corrosion around it. Initially, exposed Copper atoms react with the air to form the pink oxide, this is called cuprite. This slowly oxidizes more to the black oxide, called tenorite. When this black oxide gets wet it reacts with sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide from the air to ultimately form the patina, which gives it a green glimmer. Technology and improved techniques make copper the perfect building material for roofing, cladding and the accessories going with roofing systems. More and more pre-fabricated copper products on the market have reduced the cost and this enabled copper to be used in more buildings than in the past. 5. Types of roofing systems. Copper roofs have been known to last for over 700 years; the substructure rather than the copper itself ultimately fails. The ductility and malleability of copper allows it to form over irregular roof forms and structures. Domes and other curved roof shapes are a speciality when it comes to copper. New tools and construction methods have been introduced that give support to the quick, correct, and cost-effective installation of copper roofs. Types of copper roofing systems include: 5.1. Standing Seam Roofing Standing seam, the most common system, roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. The copper pans and are joined together with double locked standing seams. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. 5.2. Batten Seam Roofing Batten seam roofing consists of copper pans that runs parallel to the angle of the roof and is separated by wood battens. The battens are then covered with copper copings that are fixed to the battens. These copings lock the loose pans into adjacent pans. 5.3. Chevron Roofing A common Chevron roof design is based on normal batten seam construction, but secondary battens are fixed to the roof. These extra battens are purely decorative and do not add to the functionality or structure of the roof. 5.4. Flat Seam Roofing Flat seam roofing systems are generally used on roofs that are flat or have a very low pitch. Flat seam roofing is constructed of rectangular copper sheets. Two neighbouring sides of the sheets are folded over and two are folded under to lock them in place. Copper cleats are then installed seams to make the roof waterproof. 5.5. Horizontal Seam Roofing Horizontal seam roofs consist of copper pans that run horizontally across the roof pitch. At each fixing point or edge a step is used to allow neighbouring pans to lock successfully. 5.6. Mansard Roofing A Mansard roof is, based and is very similar to standing seam or batten seam construction. 6. Standing Seam Copper Roofing and Cladding Standing seam, the most common system, roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. The pans and are joined together with double locked standing seams. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. When preformed copper pans are used, they are joined at the top and lower ends by slanting seams. In-situ formed pans involve the use of copper sheets on rolls which are shaped into pans by electrical pan formers. This allows one to form long, continuous pans, this eliminates the need for seams, but if this method is used, one must allow for expansion joints due to the expansion and contraction properties of the copper. 6.1. General design considerations 6.1.1. High Winds In areas where high winds occur, the roof design must be evaluated to make sure the roof can resist the wind forces. High winds can put great positive or negative pressures on roofs, especially the edges, so the detailing must ensure that the roof is secure. 6.1.2. Heavy Rain Where heavy rain is likely, the designer must give allot of thought and attention to the slope, seam details, valleys, gutters and downpipes of the roof. The seam heights can be adjusted if it is necessary. 6.1.3. Ice and Snow In areas where there is allot of ice and snow, the designer should make provision for the loads that act on the roof from the weight of the snow or ice. Increasing the slope so that the snow can slide of the roof must be considered. 6.1.4. Temperature Range When the temperature fluctuates, the copper and any adjacent materials will expand and contract in different ways. This should be taken into consideration. This is important when installing components with potential limits to movement in one direction. 6.1.5. Building Orientation Consideration should be given to the relationships between the roof and the direction wind, rain, and sun. The issues discussed above will depend on the orientation of the building. 6.1.6. Staining Staining occurs when water that was in contact with the copper runs of and gets absorbed by other materials. Staining of the other materials can be avoided with good design. Copper salts form on the surface of a copper sheet due to the natural weathering of copper. When these salts are mixed with rain water and the water run on to other materials, it will cause the typical green stains. To prevent such stains, the designer must take all option into consideration to prevent run-off onto other adjacent materials. One can use a clear, silicon-based finish on cement surfaces to help protect the surface during the first and most harsh weathering of the copper. 6.1.7. Patination The natural weathering process that leads to the green patina to form on the exposed copper takes allot of years. There are processes available to speed up this process. 6.2. Material 6.2.1. Types of copper in the building industry Copper in the building industry is 99.9 % pure copper. There are three different types of copper used in the building industry, namely: Deoxidized copper This is copper that contains no oxygen. It is used in plumbing applications where welding is required or for engineering purposes. Fire refined tough pitch copper This copper contains oxygen and is stronger than deoxidized copper. It has higher thermal and electrical conductivity and has a higher resistance to corrosion than deoxidized copper. This type of copper is used mainly for roof and cladding applications. Electrolytic tough pitch copper This copper contains fewer impurities than fire refined tough pitch copper and is used for electrical conductors because of its high. Lead-Coated Copper Lead-coated copper is a strong, lightweight, durable and easy to install, gray metal finish option of copper. It does not add to the life of a copper roof, but it provided another colour to architectural copper applications. In-addition, the gray finish offers a solution to the staining issue. The run-off of this metal is less than that of conventional copper, and it doesnt stain the other materials. 6.2.2. Hardness in Copper Sheets Quarter-hard is defined by its ability to be bent back onto itself along the grain boundary without breaking. Half-hard can be bent 90 °. Soft is good for decorative applications. The hardness of the metal determines the application. If your copper project involves supporting any kind of weight, stick to harder tempers. 6.2.3. Cold Rolled Copper Sheets Copper comes in many forms and strengths. It is very important to specify the correct grading and type of copper to be used with the specific application. Copper used for a standing seam roofing system comes as a sheet, rolled up in a spool, called roofing copper (Copalcor). The width of the sheet is 600mm and comes in thicknesses of 0.50 to 0.70mm. 6.2.4. Corrosion Resistance Copper does not respond to water, but it gradually reacts with the oxygen in the atmosphere. This results in a brown-black copper oxide deposit forming on the surface. This creates a protective layer on the surface that prevents the copper against additional corrosion. Verdigris, a green layer of copper carbonate can be seen on aged copper constructions, like on the Statue of Liberty. 6.2.5. Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Copper and its alloys are excellent conductors of electricity and heat. Copper is the most common of all metals in these applications because of its great properties. Copper alloys have less electrical and thermal conductivity than pure copper. 6.2.6. Ease of Fabrication Copper can be shaped to the required form and dimensions by any of the common fabricating processes. It is normally rolled, pressed, extruded, forged and formed at high temperatures. 6.2.7. Joining Mechanical fasteners, such as screws, bolts, and rivets are the simplest joining method. They typically do not need specific tools for installation, and it can be taken apart and be reassembled again. Adhesives can also be used in some applications. The strength and reliability of the bond depends on the surface preparation, adhesive selection, and the design of the joint. The three common ways of joining copper and alloys are soldering, brazing, and welding. Where a water tight seal is required, soldering may be used. Lead or tin-based filler metals are typically used. Soldered joints typically depend on mechanical fasteners for strength. This method is used for sealing joints in gutters, roofing, and flashings. Because the filler material does not match copper in colour, soldering should just be used in hidden joints. Brazing is the most preferred method for joining copper pipes and tubes. Colour matching is a problem again. The final metallurgical joining method, welding, is seldom used with copper. Welding uses high temperature or pressure to fuse the metals together. 6.2.8. Finishes There are three generic categories of finishes for copper alloys. Mechanical treatments Mechanical treatments are finishes that are typically applied at the shop by mechanical means. They usually affect only the surface of the copper. There are five standard mechanical designated finishes: * As Fabricated: This is the finish after its production process, such as rolling, extrusion, or casting. * Buffed: Polishing the copper to a smooth, mirror-like appearance. This is the brightest mechanical finish available. * Directional Textured: Wheel or belt polishing with fine aggregates is required for this finish and results in a continuous pattern of very fine, almost parallel scratches. * Non-directional Textured: This matte finish is mainly used on castings. The copper is usually sandblasted to achieve a certain degree of roughness. * Patterned: A process in which a copper alloy sheet is pressed between two rolls to produce a pattern. Chemical treatments Coatings. 6.3. Preparation 6.3.1. Surface Preparation The surface preparation is the same for all copper roofing systems. The surface must be dry, smooth and free from any sharp edges or objects like nails or screws. 6.3.2. Supporting Substrate Standing seam roofing and cladding requires the installation of a backing substructure that support the copper finish layer, This substrate usually consists of 20 – 22mm S.A.P tongue and grooved boarding fixed to the main structure. However, any substrate can be installed, as long as the copper has the necessary support. Other backing options include: * Chipboard * Plywood This decking can be fixed to any main structure like steel or concrete. The design must, however, provide for the installation and fixing of the wood substrate. 6.3.3. Fastening the pans to the substrate There are three ways of fixing the copper sheets to the substrate namely: Cleating This is the most frequently used fixing method, because it allows the copper to move, because of expansion and compression under different temperatures. Cleating minimizes the potential for buckling. The cleats are usually spaced at a minimum of 600mm centre to centre and are fixed to the substructure with 2.8 x 22 mm copper clout-headed nails. Nailing Nails are used to fix the cleats to the substrate or in special cases where no movement is wanted, usually at base flashing or at eave strips. Only one edge of a strip should be nailed, to allow movement at the other end of the stip. All nails should be flathead, wire slating nails made from hard copper, brass, or bronze. Screwing This method is used where the copper must be held in place, such as at a ridge cap in areas with high winds. It is also used to secure copper to brickwork. Screws must have a wide or big head to prevent the screw from cutting into the copper. Lead washers may be used for additional protection. Where the screw must be water tight, a small copper cap is soldered over the screw head. All fasteners must be of copper or copper alloys to prevent the different materials to react with each other and speed up the corrosion process. 6.3.4. Roofing Felt The entire surface should be covered with an accepted and properly specified underlay material secured to the decking with copper clout nails. The underlay, which is usually soaked roofing felt, acts as a pillow, as well as providing temporary weather protection for the roof deck. A sheet of building paper must be applied over the felt. Some roofing felt contains tarmac and, because copper conduct heat, the rising temperatures can cause the tarmac to melt and bond the copper to the roofing felt. This restricts the movement of the copper roof and can result in the failure of the system. The building paper acts as a slip sheet to prevent such bonding. 6.4. Equipment and Tools 6.4.1. Pan formers and seamers A wide selection of power pan formers and power seamers are available to help with the construction of copper roofs. Power pan formers can take flat sheets of copper and make standing seam roofing pans on site. The machines form high quality, consistent pans in any length. The length is only limited by the contractors ability to transport and handle the material. Pan formers can work with various sheet widths and can make pans with varying seam heights. The standing seam is typically 150mm high. Power seamers are used to produce finished standing or batten seams. The seamers clamp onto the sheet of copper and then propel themselves under electrical power to form the seam. They can form seams of almost any length. 6.4.2. Panel curving machine This machine allows the contractor to curve the panels to any radius. Convex or concave forms can be curved. 6.4.3. Gutter forming machine This machine allows the contractor to make gutters on site and install them in workable lengths or sections. 6.5. Construction and Detailing This birds-eye view of a standing seam copper roof shows the basic concept. 6.5.1. Pans Standing seam roofing consists of pre-fabricated or in-situ formed pans. Copper cleats lock into these seams to fix the roofing to the base structure. This method prevents the pans or sheets from slipping down the roof. 0.6 mm Copper sheeting with a width of 600 mm is used to form the pans. The end product is pans of 510 mm wide that is joined by forming a 30 mm double welded standing seam as shown below. 6.5.2. The Standing Seam System 6.5.3. Detail at Parapet Wall A copper coping is attached to the higher edge of copper siding using a single lock seam. This cover extends over the parapet and is fixed into a continuous lock strip that is on the back side of the parapet wall. 6.5.4. Stepped Flashing Detail Stepped flashing is used where a sloped roof meets a masonry wall. A typical example is where a brick chimney rises above a roof. The details shown concentrate on such chimney flashings, but apply to other situations as well. There are two ways of installing stepped flashings. One type uses pieces of copper base flashing installed with each course of shingles. The second, most common type uses a single copper runner under the roof covering. This runner is attached before the roofing material is installed. The roof portion of this runner flashing has a hooked edge and is cleated at 300 mm c.c. The base flashing is extended up the wall a minimum of 170 mm (two bricks). This requires the cap flashing to be in two pieces, a flashing and a counter flashing. This stepped flashing is used on the two sloped sides of the chimney. The lower sides are flashed with a copper apron that covers the roof covering. 6.5.5. Detail at Valley This detail shows an option for resolving the waterproofing at a valley of a standing seam roof. The copper roofing overlaps the valley flashing a minimum of 150mm and is folded and fixed into a continuous copper strip. The locking strip is soldered to the valley flashing. An alternative option is to use a double fold in the valley flashing, as a replacement for of a locking strip. Both methods are shown. 6.5.6. Detail at Hip This detail shows a standing seam of a copper hip roof. This method allows the standing seam to be hidden by a ridge cap which allows for both a clean facade and weather tight seal. 6.5.7. Detail at Gutter The detail shows the recommended method for the installation of a gutter with copper roofs. A copper gutter is supported by a brass bracket. The upper edge of the gutter extends at least 150 mm onto the roof and is folded over and held by cleats at 300 mm c.c. Copper braces at 750 mm centres can be placed at the mid-points between brackets. If the gutter width is more than 150 mm or in areas with ice and snow, brass straps should also be used to increase the strength of the gutter. These must extend at least 150 mm onto the roof. The area around screws and the strap must be soldered to ensure water tightness. 6.5.8. Detail at Ridge Two options of detailing a ridge are shown. The seams are laid to overlap a minimum of 150 mm from the ridge. InDetail 1, a copper ridge cap is used to fix the standing seams along the ridge. The ridge cap is locked into the top edges of the copper pans. This allows for expansion and contraction. InDetail 2, the ridge is created by a wood batten that is cladded with a copper cap. 12.1.1. Detail at Gable 12.1.2. Expansion Great care must be given to the contraction and the expansion of copper due to the thermal characteristics of the material. Detail should always allow for expansion and contraction. 6.6. Maintenance Because of coppers long life as a building material it is exposed to long term pollutants or dirt. The main problem of cleaning copper roofing is that you can permanently stain or damage the copper. The cleaning methods of copper have been perfected over many years. 6.6.1. To remove encrusted dirt deposits The most common cleaning method is to blow the surface with Walnut shell dust at a pressure of about 2 3 bar. This forces the dirt crust to lift off the surface without damaging the copper. 6.6.2. To clean unevenly patinated copper: Use a sponge to clean the copper. Use a mixture of six parts concentrated phosphoric acid to one part concentrated nitric acid diluted by 50 percent distilled water. Leave the acid solution on the copper for one minute. After the minute wash the roof again with a sponge soaked in sodium bicarbonate solution. Rinse of all the acid with fresh water afterwards. Then you apply ammonium oxalate as a second neutralizer to even out any remains left by the first neutralizer. Rinse off with fresh water afterwards and wipe the cleaned copper with a clean cotton cloth until no colour shows on the cloth. Wipe the surface again with a cloth soaked with mineral spirits until no colour shows on the cloth. Apply a thin coat of carnauba wax. When the wax wears off, the copper will start its repatination again. This procedure can be used when you replace sections of a patinated copper roof or when you do an addition to an existing copper roof. Treating the existing copper roof will let the new addition patinate together with the existing roof, resulting in an even colour for both the old and the new roofs. 7. Availability When people think about installing a new roof, copper is not a material that normally comes to mind. Nevertheless, copper has been used on roofs for centuries. The one big disadvantage of copper in South-Africa is that it is expensive and that copper is a material that is stolen and sold for money all around the country. Copper is a good roofing option and there are many locally available manufacturers. One of the biggest suppliers of copper products is Copalcor. â€Å"Copalcor offers solutions incorporating a wide range of rolled, extruded and forged non-ferrous metal products for the local and international market. Through ongoing development and expansion the company maintains its position as a leader in the field of service to South African strategic industries and continues to grow as an exporter worldwide† (Copalcor, 2010) Copper roofing is a very specialized industry and therefore there is not such a wide variety of copper roofing contractors available in South-Africa. A few manufacturers and contactors are: Clotan Steel (Pty) Ltd. Global Roofing Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Cupric Tectonics. 8. Cost Copper is a very expensive building material. Because copper roofs are very expensive compared to conventional tile roofs, the demand of copper roofs is not so high in South-Africa. Copper is considered a specialized roof and is therefore a specialized construction, this makes copper roofing expensive. If you consider that a copper roof will outlast almost any other roof and that copper is 100% recyclable, it will be a good investment or addition to any building. It requires almost no maintenance that keeps the cost down. The initial cost for the construction and installation of a copper roof is high but the advantages over shadow the price of the roof. 9. Case study 9.1. Freedom Park //hapo Museum Category: Culture Location: Pretoria, South-Africa Architect: Office of Collaborative Architects GAPP Architects / Urban Designers; Mashabane Rose Associates; MMA Architects, Johannesburg, South Africa Design Architect: Jeremy Rose Project Architect: Dieter Brandt 9.1.1. Project Description The vision for //hapo (the dream), an interpretive centre and Pan-African archive, was to provide an interactive exhibition space which would convey the history of South Africa over 3.6 billion years. The faà §ade of the building is completely clad with copper sheeting. Frans du Toit, managing director of Cupric Tectronics, said that Freedom Park is the first copper-clad building of its size in South Africa. â€Å"Installing the roof sheeting was challenging because there are so many detailed design elements,† says du Toit. â€Å"We used a specialised machine that rolled the copper into long, straight sheets that were placed directly onto the building.† The contractor had to change their normal installation methods to suit the specific needs of the design. Because there are almost no straight lines, the installation had some degree of difficulty. Copper, which fades over time and is already showing visible colour differences on the facade of Freedom Park, was chosen for a number of reasons. Dieter Brandt says that: â€Å"Copper is an African resource,† â€Å"The idea is that the material will age over time and the patina gives a sense of ancientness. We wanted a material with monochromatic feel and we needed a material to blend in with the brickwork that is typical to Salvokop rail village. The metaphor of boulders is enhanced by the varying stages at which the weathering of each copper-clad boulder that is exposed to prevailing weather takes place,† says Brandt. 9.1.2. Construction The specialists in copper roofing and cladding, Cupric Tectonics, used 70 tonnes of copper on the roof and side cladding of the building. The 0.6 mm copper sheets was profiled and installed on site, directly on the building. Over 9000 m2 of area was covered with copper supplied by Copalcor. The material is 99% pure phosphorous deoxidized copper alloy. (ASTM B152C 12200 half hard copper). A team of 16 well trained specialists worked on the project to complete the copper installations to the building. This was done to ensure that the long pans did not bend out of shape before it could be installed. The copper forms a natural wave like look, also known as â€Å"oil canning†. A state of the art Schlebach manufactured Quadro and profile machine was used to form the pans of the building. The machine was placed on the scaffolding so that the pans could be placed directly on the building for installation. The method used to install the copper to the building is called double standing seam system. This system is based on concealed fixing which means that there is no fixing through the sheets ensuring a water tight seal that will last for many years Due to the size of the building and because the copper pans are formed on site, large pans could be made and fitted directly onto the building. On site, pans are formed by using copper in flat sheets on rolls which are bent into pans by electrical pan formers. Long pans can be made that eliminates the need for transverse seams. Long Pan construction details are designed to accommodate for the movement as a result of the expansion and contraction over long spans of copper sheets. The points of stress relief are typically accommodated at eaves, transverse joints (if any), and ridge and base conditions by ensuring that the copper sheet is provided with proper clearances and is secured by expansion fastening devices that will not obstruct thermal Particular building dynamics should be considered before specific copper details are designed. Building expansion joints must be accommodated and properly detailed. Also, building orientation should be taken into consideration. A north sloping roof, for example, will gain more heat than a south sloping roof. All roof penetrations should allow for expansion in the same amounts as the roof panels, voids or spaces should be filled with loose insulation or compressible joint filler 10. Conclusion Copper has been use as a roofing material since ancient times. Technology and improved techniques make copper the perfect building material for roofing, cladding and the accessories going with roofing systems. More and more pre-fabricated copper products on the market have reduced the cost and this enabled copper to be used in more buildings than in the past. Standing Seam Construction offers many advantages. The greatest advantages are that it creates a water tight seal because of no sheets are penetrated with concealed fixing and this allows for fast construction that reduces labour costs. Copper Standing Seam construction is a long lasting roof construction with a life time of changing aesthetics.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Strategies for Discrimination in Adult Community Care

Strategies for Discrimination in Adult Community Care Identify and reflect on potential strategies for addressing oppression  and unfair discrimination encountered in community care for adults. Examine the implications of this process for a social worker value base. The Audit Commission report of 1986 and the Griffiths report 1988 emphasised the need for care to become consumer-led; traditionally state run services were quickly contracted out to private and voluntary sector providers. Value-for-money became key, and community care became the favoured option over and above residential care (Blakemore, 2003). Some argued that social work values became secondary to resource-led decision-making (Banks, 1995). Negative discrimination can be defined as the attribution of negative traits or features with regard to an individual, or a group of people (Thompson 2003). Generally negative discrimination relates to social and biological constructs and can be based upon a multitude of characteristics, such as gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, class, age and so on. Negative discrimination creates situations that can lead to oppressive practices, which is defined by Thompson (2001) as: â€Å"Inhuman or degrading treatment of individuals or groups; hardship and injustice brought about by one group or another; the negative and demeaning exercise of power† (pg 34) The core principle of the NHS Community Care Act 1990 was to give people the choice, where possible, being cared for in their own home (Blackmore, 2003), and the social care field was opened to market forces; services users became consumers. However, the purchasing power of service users is disparate, dependant upon social, economic and individual variables. Adults partaking in community care are particularly vulnerable to oppression where there is an imbalance in the distribution of financial or other material resources; economic status can create real disparities in the standard of care received. Service users will often find their financial resources are controlled by their carers, placing the carer in a powerful position and disempowering the service user. This can be countered by being very open with the service user and avoiding â€Å"closed† decision-making and mystery (Topps, 2001). The service user should be involved at all levels of decision-making regarding resourc es. The Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 is encouraging as it allows local authorities to make direct payments to service users, enabling them to arrange and pay for their own care package. This is a positive step forward in empowering community care service users. It is also important for practitioners and carers to consider their use of language and its potential effects. Dehumanizing and medicalised language can result in a loss of esteem and a sense of disempowerment for the any service user, particularly those with intellectual impairments who maybe less able to understand medical terms. This can be prevented by avoiding jargon and providing lots of opportunities for questions and open discussion. Carers and social services staff should continually check themselves for use of infantilising language and ensure they engage in mature, adult discourse with service users. An example of dehumanizing language that is still used regularly in care setting is the term â€Å"manual handling†. Many physically impaired service users have reported this term as degrading (Elder-Woodward, 2001), as the implication is that the person is an object to be handled. The term â€Å"moving and assisting† is more widely accepted now. We should also consider the power that is implied through the assumption that â€Å"professionals† have superior medical knowledge, skills and expertise in relation to the community care service user. Often, care plans are based upon the medical model; the impairment is seen as the problem and the service users dependence is emphasized (Adams et al, 2002). Thompson (2001) says social work should take a â€Å"demedicalised† stance and look past the pathology, utilizing the social model of disability as described by Adams et al (2002). The social model suggests the service users needs should be considered in a much wider context, ensuring their social and mental health are given equal consideration to their medical needs. Viewing societal constraints as the problem, and not the individual, creates the frame of mind to consider how to remove barriers to mainstream social, political and economic life. Social workers should liase with service users and look towards a solutio n-focused (not impairment-focused) care plan whereby barriers are identified and solutions sought collaboratively, utilizing strengths. Social workers are trained to critically reflect on their practice to ensure they continually monitoring their reactions to, and engagement with, service users. Critically reflective practice is crucial in anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory work. Until recently, community carers were not trained in such practice and therefore were more likely to repeat oppressive practices over and over as they maybe not be aware of the implicit discriminatory messages of some behaviours. The issue is tackled by new regulations, which require all paid carers to hold an NVQ qualification. The NVQ requires carers to consider issues of discrimination and oppression, and look at significant elements of their own identity. It is important this training is followed up by regular supervision and support (Thompson 2003). Care can be stressful, and it is crucial that steps are taken to minimise pressure, where possible, and for managers/social workers to take the opportunity to debrief with carers as nec essary. The ability to identify and promote non-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice and procedure is a focal point of the social work value base (Training Organisation for Personal Social Services, 1989). Social workers must maintain awareness of the value base by using a variety of strategies to ensure service users are not discriminated against. The aforementioned strategies mean the social work value base is referred to, and reflected upon on a regular basis; it makes it a working, â€Å"live† document. All of the aforementioned strategies are referred to within the value base as issued raised by service users. Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practices are once again key focus areas for social workers and carers alike. It is encouraging that all workers are required to consider such issues within their training and as part of their value base, and steps are being taken to empower service users by facilitating the co-ordination and funding of their own care package. It remains the case that many care-receivers live with friends/family, who ultimately are in a position of considerable power over the service user, which can lead to oppression and discrimination. References Adams, Robert et al (eds) 2002 Critical Practice in Social Work. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Banks, S (1995) Ethics and Values in Social Work. Macmillan Press LTD, London Blackmore, k (2003) Social Policy: An Introduction. 2nd Ed. Buckingham, Open University Press Elder-Woodward, J (2001) Making Sense of Community Care Recent Initiatives: A service users perspective; or, Farewell to Welfare The perspective of  an ungrateful bastard. Retrieved 16th August 2005 from: paper3 (Times12).pdf Thompson, Neil (2001) Anti-discriminatory Practice 3rd Ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Thompson, Neil (2003) Promoting Equality: Challenging Discrimination and Oppression 2nd Ed. New York, Palgrave Training Organisation for Personal Social Services (2001) National Occupational Standards for Social Work. Topps, Leeds

The Significance of Villains in Beowulf Essay -- Epic Beowulf essays

The Significance of Villains in Beowulf  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Ancient, timeless, and very, very hard to read, Beowulf has plagued well-meaning college students for centuries with its cryptic passages and vague metaphors. Yet at the root it resonates with a sort of clear allegorical criticism aimed at Scandinavian warrior society. In the story of Beowulf, the unnatural fiends in the poem were each symbols for the political strife in the system. They formed the basic constructs in an allegory against the flawed nature of the warrior society at the time. Grendel, the first monster, makes his appearance directly after the poet references the men in their mead-hall. Yet he is not simply referred to in a natural segue between themes: he is actually introduced directly after speaking of future strife among the family in that hall. Note in the following passage where the poet breaks off what began as a paragraph about the merry-making which went on in the hall known as Heorot. The hall stood tall, high and wide-gabled: it would wait for the fierce flames of vengeful fire; the time was not yet at hand for sword-hate between son-in-law and father-in-law to awaken after murderous rage. Then the fierce spirit painfully endured hardship for a time, he who dwelt in the darkness.... The form it takes can essentially be described as "They celebrated, but all was not well in the future of the hall. Also, Grendel waited outside...." The close proximity of the description of familial betrayal and Grendel's introduction leads to the conclusion that the two are related. As I interpret it, the demon Grendel is a symbol for the terrible problem of succession that the Danes suffered time and again. The unstable nature of the court and th... ...m. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.    Shippey, Thomas A.. â€Å"Structure and Unity.† In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska: Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997.    Sisam, Kenneth. â€Å"The Structure of   Beowulf.† In Beowulf: The Donaldson Translation, edited by Joseph F. Tuso. New York, W.W.Norton and Co.: 1975.    Tharaud, Barry. â€Å"Anglo-Saxon Language and Traditions in Beowulf.† In Readings on Beowulf, edited by Stephen P. Thompson. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,1998.    Tolkien, J.R.R.. â€Å"Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics.† In Beowulf – Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physical Medicine :: Health Treatment Psychiatry Rehab Essays

Physical Medicine PHYSICAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL MEDICINE also called PHYSIATRY, PHYSICAL THERAPY, OR REHABILITATION MEDICINE, medical specialty concerned with the treatment of chronic disabilities and with the restoration of normal functioning to the disabled through physical modes of treatment, such as exercise. This specialized medical service is generally aimed at rehabilitating persons disabled by pain or ailments affecting the motor functions of the body. Physical medicine is one means employed to assist these patients to return to a comfortable and productive life, often despite the persistence of a medical problem. For centuries man used such natural physical agents as hot springs and sunlight to treat his ailments, but the development of physical medicine as a specialized medical service took place largely after World War I. Two factors influenced its growth in the 20th century--epidemic poliomyelitis and the two world wars--both of which created large numbers of young, seriously handicapped persons. Physical medi cine was definitively established through the American physician Howard A. Rusk's efforts to rehabilitate wounded soldiers during and after World War II. Physical medicine then became available for the treatment of patients with such diverse problems as fractures, burns, tuberculosis, painful backs, strokes, nerve and spinal cord injuries, diabetes, birth defects, arthritis, and vision and speech impairments. Physical medicine is closely associated with orthopaedic surgery, but it is also prescribed by physicians and surgeons in all branches of medicine. Physicians who specialize in physical medicine are called physiatrists. The objectives of physical medicine are relief of pain, improvement or maintenance of functions such as strength and mobility, training in the most effective method of performing essential activities, and testing of function in various areas. Tests cover such fields as muscle strength, degree of joint mobility, breathing capacity, and muscular coordination. The therapeutic means most commonly employed include heat, massage, exercise, electrical currents, and functional training. Since the 1970s these basic means have been supplemented and enhanced by psychological counselling, occupational therapy, and a variety of other treatments which may be used in concert to help the disabled person achieve the fullest possible life despite the persistence of his medical problem. Heat is used generally to stimulate circulation and to relieve pain in the area treated. It may be applied by infrared lamps, shortwave radiation, or high-frequency electrical currents (diathermy); by hot, moist compresses or immersion in hot water (hydrotherapy); or by ultrasound. Massage primarily aids circulation and relieves local pain or muscle spasm.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Linguistic culture

When I finished read Laura Bohannan’s essay â€Å"Shakespeare in the Bush† I felt that I was smiling. Can you beat it: Elizabeth Bowen-Smith (who will became Laura Bohannan later), intelligent student of Oxford university, sits on the calabash, drinks beer and explain the story of Hamlet to group of tribesmen. Some of them are a very experienced, old person who knows things. It seems that Laura met very interesting company: they are bilingual (but their English is much worse than their native Tiv language (Tiv-Batu sub-group of the Bantoid branch of the Benue-Congo subdivision of Niger-Congo)), they know only own culture and believe that people in all world are the same. This concept of â€Å"universal understanding† brought her audience to idea that this young European girl (because all whites should be Europeans) do not remember this history exactly. She made a lot of mistakes and some details of Hamlet history were so strange for Tiv traditions that they were even fain to acknowledge that Europe is really another world. Bohannan told about Hamlet in very simple words and Tiv understood Hamlet plot, but very generally. Different cultural backgrounds not only make the Tiv and Bohannan have very different interpretations of Hamlet status (â€Å"son of chief†) or the general ideas of life and death. But the Tiv people interpreted several specific aspects of the story much differently than the modern Western culture. Almost from the beginning of Bohannan’s tale, tribe members interrupted to question and disagree with her about most of the key elements in the story. There was the appearance of Hamlet’s father’s ghost, Claudius’ marriage to Gertrude, the fact that Hamlet couldn’t marry Ophelia, Hamlet’s madness, Polonius’ death, Ophelia’s drowning death and the poison for after the final duel. The ghost of Hamlet’s father appeared in the castle to inform Hamlet of the truth about his death. The most of modern people could easily explain what is a ghost. The Tiv thought otherwise. The tribesmen scoffed at the notion that Hamlet's father is a ghost because they don't believe that any individual part of human personality survives after death. Tiv culture believes in witches and witchcraft, and then Hamlet’s father image must have been a zombie sent by witches as an omen. I like this passage from Bohannan’s essay: â€Å"The old men muttered: such omens were matters for chiefs and elders, not for youngsters; no good could come of going behind a chief's back; clearly Horatio was not a man who knew things† (Bohannan). It seems that witches and their magic power were reality for Tiv people. You know that their religious beliefs were centered around the concept of akombo, defined as magical forces and their emblems. Between concepts of â€Å"ghost† and â€Å"akombo† we have intercultural gap. These words cannot be translated to other language without loosing some sense. Any translation is approximation only. For full understanding people should be members of certain society. Let’s go on. In the story of Hamlet, Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, marries Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. This marriage was only two months after Claudius’ brother, the King, was killed. The modern Western culture feels that this marriage was incestuous. It also took place too soon after the death of her husband. The Tiv, however, found no problem with it. It was a custom for the natives for the brother of a deceased man to marry his wife. This way, the fields could be taken care of and the farms could be managed. Another detail: one of the younger Tiv men asked Laura who had married the other wives of the â€Å"dead chief† (King). When she told that the King had only one wife they were surprised. â€Å"But a chief must have many wives! How else can he brew beer and prepare food for all his guests?† (Bohannan). Laura explanation about European tradition to have only one wife and to use servants for homework (and especially mentioning taxes) makes Tiv men to adduce an argument: â€Å"It was better for a chief to have many wives and sons who would help him hoe his farms and feed his people; then everyone loved the chief who gave much and took nothing† (Bohannan). As you remember, in the Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet could not marry his true love, Ophelia, because he was royalty and she a commoner. The Tiv disagreed with this also. They felt that the marriage should be permitted because since Hamlet was royalty, then he could shower Ophelia’s father, Polonius, with gifts and money. This seemed to be very rational to the Tiv, although it seems to be an odd to the modern Western culture. Since Hamlet was not permitted to marry Ophelia, he went mad. In the western tradition the positive imaging of love madness appeared probably in troubadours’ songs, probably in more ancient times. But for African tribe it was impossible to attribute madness to unhappy love affair. The Tiv felt that Hamlet’s madness was attributed to more serious cause – to witchcraft. They said her that â€Å"only witchcraft can make anyone mad, unless, of course, one sees the beings that lurk in the forest† (Bohannan). Laura did the best to explain relations between Hamlet, his uncle and his mother. These episodes of the play were absolutely unclear for Tiv people. They had several arguments for their position. Hamlet scolded his mother for her sin but man should never scold his mother. Hamlet wanted to kill Claudius who killed his father but nobody can kill or attempt to kill his elders (in Tiv traditions). Tiv men said Hamlet should have contacted his father’s friends to avenge the murder of King but do not try and avenge the murder himself. I found no Tiv reactions (and no explanation by Laura) to the moment when Hamlet went to kill Claudius but found him praying. He did not kill him because he believed that killing Claudius while in prayer would send Claudius’s soul to heaven. We know that Tiv do not believe in the beyond. So this motive should not be clear for them. Laura missed this episode. May be she felt that she had no chances to explain this for her audience? She also did not tell about Hamlet’s words about Polonius’ murder â€Å"Heaven hath pleased it so / To punish me with this, and this with me† (Hamlet, III.iv.157–158) and about Polonius’ body â€Å"The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body† (Hamlet IV.ii.25–26). When Hamlet killed Polonius, Ophelia’s father, she was so distraught after hearing about this that she committed suicide by drowning herself. The Tiv were strongly opposed to this. They felt that only witches could make someone drown because water alone cannot hurt someone. â€Å"It is merely something one drinks and bathes in† (Bohannan). They understood that Ophelia’s brother, Laertes, killed her to sell her to the witches because he ran out of money. Also, at Ophelia’s funeral, Laertes jumped into her grave to say his last goodbye. Hamlet then jumped into the grave to say his last goodbye, also. The Tiv thought that Laertes was trying to steal the body so he could sell it to the witches. Since Hamlet jumped in, then he saved Ophelia’s body from being sold. They felt that Laertes wanted to kill Hamlet because he prevented him from selling Ophelia’s body. And I like Tiv explanation very much: â€Å"Hamlet prevented him, because the chief's heir, like a chief, does not wish any other man to grow rich and powerful.† (Bohannan) About understanding the duel between Hamlet and Laertes. King Claudius gave Laertes a poisoned rapier (probably Laura translated it as â€Å"machete†) so that Hamlet would die even if he was just scratched by the sword. Laertes has his sword poisoned in an effort to do Hamlet in once and for all. Claudius wanted Hamlet dead because he knew the truth about his father’s death. Just in case Hamlet survived the battle, a glass of poisoned wine was waiting for the victor. The wine unfortunately fell into the wrong hands, and Hamlet’s mother drank it and died. The modern Western culture believes that the wine was intended for Hamlet in case he survived the duel. The Tiv believe otherwise. They felt that the wine was intended for the victor of the match, either Hamlet or Laertes. They thought that it would be used to kill Hamlet because he knew true about the murder of his father, or it would be used to kill Laertes so no one would know about the conspiracy between him and Claudius to kill Hamlet. I think that the main point of Bohannan’s essay was to illustrate that different cultures interpret things differently. What we accept is influenced by our own cultural and linguistic values. Both interpretations of Hamlet are correct according to the cultural values of the two different cultures. (May be Tiv opinion is more correct because they proposed for Laura to tell them some more stories of her country. They said â€Å"We, who are elders, will instruct you in their true meaning, so that when you return to your own land your elders will see that you have not been sitting in the bush, but among those who know things and who have taught you wisdom.† (Bohannan)) It seems that the author intentions is not a matter. If our interpretation is different than that of the author, but the story still influenced our life, then that is all that matters. Word is just symbol and everyone can understand it how he can. But if you want to communicate with other people you should learn their culture and to speak their language. References: Bohannan, Laura (1971), from Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology, eds. James P. Spradley and David W. McCurdy Boston: Little Brown and Company. Ethnographic Atlas of the Center of Social Anthropology and Computing. University of Kent at Canterbury William Shakespeare. Hamlet The Oxford Shakespeare.1914   

Business Related Articles

What does the electronic net income point do? Where does it impersonate in relationship to the other quatern horizontal surfaces of our simplified vane pattern? vane stratum is the third storey of the OSI model. It performs transmutation androuting by creating logical paths, kn protest asvirtual circuits, for enthrallring entropy from wiz pommel to another node. Routing and forwarding argon the study answers of this layer. It also performs other operations much(prenominal) asaddressing, inter mesh topologying, error handling,congestion, asc displaceency and software program sequencing.It maintains the quality of service requested by the transportation layer. It determines how data are transferred amidst cyberspace devices. It Routes packets according to unique earnings device addresses and Provides flow and congestion visualise to prevent web resource depletion. The network layer provides the functional and procedural core of transferring variable aloofnessda ta sequences from a source to a cultivation legion via one or more networks go maintaining thequality of serviceanderror control functions.At this layer, the computer system engages in a dialogue with the network to constrict the destination address and to request au thentic network facilities, such as antecedency intercommunicate story consists of three cuneus layers fill out network Access This layer considers communications protocols that deal with the interface to networks, such as X. 25. Sub network Dependent intersection This layer is necessary to bring the train of a transit network up to the level of networks on either side. Sub network Independent Convergence It handles transfer across multiple networks. The major Functions of the network layer are RoutingThe most superior function of network layer is routing which includes despicable data across a series of interconnected networks the network layer. At the network layer, the devices and software routines hand les incoming packets from various sources, determines their concluding destination, and then transfers the data to their destination. Logical Addressing both communication device in a network of an logical address, which is also called as layer three address. The net Protocol (IP) is the network layer protocol which is the best known example of network layer and every machine consists of its own IP address.It manages the connectionless transfer of data one hop at a time, from end system to ingress router, to router to router, and from egress router to destination end system. It is not responsible for real delivery to a next hop, scarcely only for the detection of eroded packets so they may be removed. Connection model The OSI Network Layer protocol stinker be either connection-oriented, or connectionless. In general, theTCP/IP Internet Layer supports only the connectionless Internet Protocol (IP). heart forwarding This is the most important function of network layer.Since many networks are partitioned into poor boy networks and connect to other networks for wide-area communications, networks use narrow hosts, called gateways orrouters to forward packets between networks. Datagram Encapsulation Network layer performs encapsulation of messages received from higher layers by placing them intodatagramswhich are also referred to as packets with a network layer header. Fragmentation and reassembly The major function of the network layer is transmitting messages down to the data interrelate layer. Some data link layer technologies consist of certain limitations on the length of any message that can be sent.If the packet that the network layer wants to hurl is too large, the network layer has to element the packet before transmitting it to data link layer. It transmits each piece to the data link layer. The fragmented pieces are then reassembled once they arrive at the network layer on the destination machine. intervention and Diagnostics At the network la yer Special protocols are used to countenance devices that are logically connected, or that are trying to route traffic, to exchange schooling about the status of hosts on the network or the devices themselves.